Scoring and Rules Info

Athlete Name 4th June
Wk1 (KOM)
11th June
Wk2 (KOM)
18th June
Wk3 (KOM)
25th June
Wk4 (KOM)
2nd July
Wk5 (PR)
9th July
Wk6 (PR)
16th July
Wk7 (PR)
23rd July
Wk8 (PR)
30th July
Wk9 (PR)
6th August
Wk10 (PR)
13th August
Wk11 (PR)
20th August
Wk12 (PR)
27th August
Wk13 (PR)
Season Total PointsTop 10 Rounds
Christian Lloyd414171576022022014018010020018015731512
Cycle Cam24117541406020018010020018012018015551477
James Thyer2140566010010020018020010381038
Martin Ince791401099920801408012016010271027
Steve Asquith402001402012004060140120880880
Prita .43637160180608020160120857857
Alison Skene1289382406008060160100803803
Ross de Kretser12614412812014080040778778
Tim Bertsch6882711202001006020020741741
Sam Hargreaves3620010060206020120100716716
John Archer128118401806020100600706706
Evan White60200100140200700700
Liz Hilton709886120800801400674674
Matthew Bufardeci136150131135800632632
Sean Baker128125137402012000570570
Andrew Bell0140100140380380
James Garriock13280208060372372
Marcus Coghlan88602012080368368
Steve Rockman1210447163163
Tony Caruso0342080134134
Andre Roberts125125125
Finn .110110110
Emma Andrews888888
Anthony Fam0000

Rounds in June scored using KOM method.
e.g. 1st place gets 15 points, 2nd place get 14 points etc etc

Rounds in July and August scored using PR method.
e.g. each PR gets 20 points